Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sugar-free, Delicious Christmas Baking -- Pure Fantasy?

Christmas baking is so hard now that I don't eat sugar! I'm still early on in my experimenting process, but so far the shortbread cookies made with whole wheat pastry flour and honey have NOT been exactly the same as their white-flour-and-white-sugar counterpart. Well, to be more specific, my taste buds were quite happy with their still-buttery goodness, but my mom was less than impressed by their new, healthier personality. Oh, and the lack of icing sugar made them spread out really, really thin, too. They were almost completely unrecognizable as good old Scottish shortbread.


But, I will press on! If there's one thing I've learned over the past week, even, it's that sugar and I do NOT mix well at all any more. If I want to have a "happy holiday," as they say, I'd do well to keep it out of my holiday baking.

Anyone who leaves any tips or recipes will be loved forever and ever...